Lara’s World

Thank You, Universe! Gratitude Attitude.

I Am so grateful for Love.
I Am so grateful for Peace.
I Am so grateful for Joy.
I Am so grateful for Tranquility.
I Am so grateful for Passion.
I Am so grateful for Compassion.
I Am so grateful for Faith.
I Am so grateful for Truth.
I Am so grateful for Trust.
I Am so grateful for Serenity.
I Am so grateful for Excitement.
I Am so grateful for Friendship.
I Am so grateful for Companionship.
I Am so grateful for Solitude.
I Am so grateful for Music.
I Am so grateful for the songs that slip into my consciousness and slide out my mouth onto my digital recorder, stage, and cd’s.
I Am so grateful for this gratitude list that grows often.
I Am so grateful that all my needs are always met in an easy and timely manner.
I Am so grateful for the power of my thoughts to create what brings me joy.
I Am so grateful for my huge and loving and truth showing heart.
I Am so grateful for the lessons my soul has chosen for me.
I Am so grateful for the choice I’ve made to create peace in my life and in the world.
I Am so grateful for my innate creative power, and for the powerful creative nature of my being.
I Am so grateful for dogs, and their smiles and soft fur and their antics and their loving, forgiving, teaching natures.
I Am so grateful for my friend Daisy, and her beautiful face, her sense of humor, the way she plays, our growling game, our pull on my rawhide chew game, her soft fur, her unabashed need for belly rubs and head stroking and nose kisses, her sneakiness.
I Am so grateful for the fabulous live Jonny Lang show at the Avalon on March 3, 2007.
I Am so grateful for:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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