Lara’s World

Guidesposts for your Spiritual Path (Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening, Part II)

In the post Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening: A List, I talked about the aforementioned symptoms and, well, provided a list. Paul Left the following comment, to which I decided to dedicate a new (in fact, this) post:

Very interesting.. over the last few months, some of the above symptoms have been manifesting themselves in/on/around myself. Going back years, i have had odd strange things happen around me.. including a Medium coming up to me and telling me that i had a “gift”…- and that i could be a “Great Healer” – (Her words). I more or less ignored it all over the years until recently when being told by a couple of independent people that they could see a “Spirit” boy with me.
I have, over the last 6 months or so, been attempting to find out more about the whole subject, and perhaps what i am supposed to do about it… – if anything…
During this time, i have been experiencing an ever increasing degree of “flickering”/”vibrating” sensations on/around my crown. I suppose what i’m getting at is.. Do you think that i am in the process of Spiritual Awakening that you discuss above.? And if i am, what should i expect to happen to me… i don’t appear to be seeing Ghosts or anything… is this likely to start happening some time soon… ? Not that it would worry me if i did actually..
Comment by Paul. 02.23.07

Paul, I’m not sure I can say what you should expect to happen. When I put your energy experiences (i.e.) crown tingling together with the seeking you’ve been doing for the past 1/2 year, I’d say yes, there is some spiritual awakening going on. I bet for more than 6 months. Heck, I’d say it was true even minus the tingling.

Do you want to see spirits? As you become more sensitive, yes, it’s possible that you will perceive them in various ways. You can let your guides know that you are or are not comfortable with this. Does the idea of being a great healer strike you as a fabulous and fascinating road to explore? Then perhaps healing begs some investigation on your part. Study of intuitive development will aid you in both these respects, as it will go a long way to explaining your experiences.

As for your spirit boy, I don’t know who he is or what his story is, but have you sat down and attempted to perceive him yourself? Find out his story? This is a point that I think that bears some space of its own, perhaps in another post. The realm of spirit is fascinating to me.

I thought your questions on your spiritual path were worth investigating in detail because a lot of people have questions like this, and perhaps with this conversation we could assist someone who feels called to experience spiritual growth and has no idea where to start. I guess it would be helpful for me to think about what I would have liked someone to tell me at the start of my own path. So I’ll explore that now, fellow traveler.

Let’s start right there for the person who has no idea what to do first. You have in fact already done the first thing! That call you feel to grow, to change, to “something more” is the first thing. If you never did another thing, the universe would still bring you what you need to follow your path; including a path. Seriously. Insert sigh of relief.

I feel like the best first bit of advice I could give you or the aforementioned beginner is to take 15 minutes every morning to sit quietly and focus on your breathing, with the intention of getting to know your own heart. When thoughts pop in, notice them and let them go as your return your focus to your breath. This practice is valuable for many reasons, and will help you differentiate between yourself and other phenomena that happen around you. It will aid your spiritual growth. From there you can select from the smorgasbord of different ways to meditate and explore which ones work, are fun, are meaningful, what aids you to be peaceful in yourself, connect with the divine, heal your body mind and spirit, or whatever your intention might be.

*I will confess that I did this a bit out of order (as in, last). I meditated, but my intention was to grow spiritually and become more aware of guides, angels, etc. because I thought these concepts were very cool. I studied all kinds of healing modalities and experienced great healing, and facilitated healing for others. To be honest, this was probably the way I, being me, would have had to do it. I followed my heart when deciding how to proceed, and I think heart following is probably the best bit of advice you could remember from anything that you learn anywhere. Now is the time when I’m focusing on knowing my heart/soul a bit more deeply, and honoring them as the first source of guidance in my life. I did do it my way, and it did work for me. And so, naturally:

Follow your heart
Regarding your question, what you are supposed to do about it…Follow your heart. Have I driven this home yet? I have to say here that what seems perhaps like a platitude will reveal the depths of its truth to you with time. The most basic spiritual truths are never as facile as they might seem. Your heart knows what is right and wrong for you. If you are honest with yourself your heart will be a natural, built-in compass. What should you do about it? Well, what seems true to you out of all that you encounter and read? What is fascinating to you, excites you?…what do you want to read and learn more about? Allow these urges and inclinations to guide you; they are signals from your soul.

Talk to others who are exploring. What are they seeking? What excites them? Are they full of horsepuckey? Do they have truth to share with you? Do you have truth to share with them? Other seekers can provide a sounding board for you to get your ideas and intuitive knowledge together, crystallized, so that you can see it better and again, know yourself. So will a journal. Or a blog. Other seekers will also share a similar energy with you, that is supportive, and perhaps something you can’t share with your old friends.

Keep an open mind, allow your heart to be the judge.
When you hear or read or otherwise learn something new, and your heart instantly jumps for joy with this new concept or knowledge, go with your heart. If your mind instantly says its crazy, agree to suspend disbelief, wait a while. Wait until your heart chimes in with its opinion, to confirm that this something is indeed nuts (to you), or until your heart suggests that, “well, maybe there is some truth here; let’s keep listening until it jumps out at us”. This is a rule I made for myself, so as not to cut off discovery before it starts. When you think you know everything, there is nothing else to learn. I want to be open to and learn as much as possible. So I give myself plenty of time to mull. It has gotten to where I don’t need as long, in fact, I can usually feel and honor my heart reaction pretty quickly now, as opposed to the mind impeding things. If you are already there, bless you.

Keep the best, discard the rest.
And this applies to what you’re reading right now. (I mean my post, hun.) If you find a book that offers concepts that blow your mind and ring your truth bell, but some of it makes you shrink away, accept the love it has to offer. The rest is either: something you’re not ready for, or simply not something that is true for you (i.e. a new addition to your hogwash list). Sometimes hogwash has a kernel of truth that you need. Don’t throw the diamond out with the dishwater, so to speak. This will help you to feel safe in exploring whatever you wanna’ explore. To not edit yourself before you begin. You don’t have to take on a whole doctrine when you only resonate with points 1 and 2b.

Know that what’s true for you can and will change.
Ha HA! This might be one of the best parts. If you’re truly on your path and connected, the universe will continually surprise you. Embrace the continual newness.

Don’t panic.
Thank you, Douglas Adams. I don’t think panic is ever the solution, but if you must try it, then you must I suppose. This goes back to letting the heart lead. It will always offer you the experience you need. For me what’s true is that doubt and fear are not my friends. Ever. If I follow what my heart thought was a good idea in that first instant of consideration, I’m golden. No second guessing for me.

Other things that have been important for me personally:

Holding the highest and most loving intention.
In everything I do. Or think. Do I always nail it? Nope. But pretty often. And I’m open to reviewing the areas where I miss. The easiest guage here for choosing the highest option for me is, what choice or thought or action brings me the most peace?

Tolerance for the spiritual beliefs of others
I think the variety of spiritual pathways in the world is a thing of great beauty and one of our dearest spiritual resources. Through faithfulness to our own path and through honoring the paths of others, I believe we can start to see the beauty and grace, indeed the divine in each other, which is the place where we discover we are all the same.

Express yourself.
You are who you are for a reason. The world needs what you have to say and give. Never doubt it. Your voice can make a difference in ways you never expected.

That’s what I’ve got for now. I sincerely hope there is something here to help you (whoever might be reading). I reserve the right to add and change as I discover more truth.

5 Comments so far
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Lara, thank you for verbalizing all the concepts I’ve been trying to pin down lately. I’m going to direct my traffic to this post.

Have a great day 🙂

Comment by Sherri

[…] 27th, 2007 Lara, aka songdeva, visited my little ol’ blog a couple of days ago. Her post today , listing steps to take to facilitate spiritual awakening, sums up the spiritual concepts that […]

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Everything I read here is so wonderful. I have been meditating and trying to contact my Guide or Angels, with no success. Reading here is inspiring me to keep going. Thank You

Comment by hudds53

thank you Lara, for that response to my enquiry last year.. I’ve only just seen the response.. I didn’t think you would answer, as nobody else ever seems to.. the flickering/vibrating on my crown seems to have diminished a lot since my message to you,(although it suddenly happens every now and again..) and i don’t feel as if i have moved on with regards to psychic development. I have been meditating daily for a while now, with very limited contacting guides/spirits.. i’m not sure whether it is just a lull for the moment.. or the development has gone..?
best Regards.
PAUL. (yes, the PAUL that you responded to above, a year ago).

Comment by paul

[…] Guidesposts for your Spiritual Path (Symptoms of Spiritual … – … conscious co-creation, creativity, intuition, Life, metaphysical, metaphysics, Spirit, spirits, spirituality. In the post Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening: A List, I talked about the aforementioned symptoms and, well, provided a list. … addthis_url = ''; addthis_title = 'Awakening+Resources'; addthis_pub = ''; […]

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